The material has high thermal stability and stability at wide range of pH. It is a less toxic and water-soluble material.
To reduce the unwanted protease activity in your cell lysate protein sample, you need a Novel Hybrid material protease inhibitor.
We Offer
Biopioneer offers novel protease inhibitor for isolation of different proteins from the cell line, plant, microbes, tissue, nematodes etc. and impacts on the quality protein for better R&D outcome.
Global Footprint
Because of its diverse applications, it can be a source of inspiration to pan-global for new protease inhibitor development in India.
Talk to us
+91-799 108 4428
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Why Trust Us ?
Our USPs
We are technology driven, adhering strictly to regulatory guidelines. Our team of experts ensures quality production and robust R&D.
Wide Thermal Stability
100% Water Soluble
Wide pH Stability
Zero cost cold
condition transport
Compatible with Buffer & Surfactant
Negligible Toxicity
No interference in fluorescence quantification
Our Product Feedback
The product is equally good in inhibiting protein degradation as those procured from other company, the gel image we got indicate that protein remain intact during protein...
Dr. Dharmaraja Allimuthu
Assistance Professor,IIT Kanpur
The Product gave us excellent way to preserve our sample longer enough to complete our biological experiments. We found that after tissue homogenization this product...
Dr Naresh Chandra Bal
KIIT School of Biotechnology, KIIT University
It is premade solution, easy to use, and it is efficient to inhibit proteases. Band intensity is comparable with other leading brand such as Sigma, Roche. Proteins have been.. .
Dr Neel Sarovar Bhavesh
Transcriptional Regulation Lab, ICGEB
The Inhibitor was efficient at Preventing protein degradation, and Inhibitory activity was better than commercially available inhibitors. it did not interfere during protein estimation
Dr. Amitava Das
Professor Department of Biological Sciences, AcSIR Ghaziabad
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